Kayak pool sessions are 1 hour long and take place at Castletown swimming pool. If you’re starting from scratch we will help identify the best steps suited to you and lay out the pathway to improve your kayaking skills. The pool sessions are booked in blocks of 4 or 6 sessions
The predicable environment of the pool setting can alleviate a great deal of anxiety by providing acomfortable and warm environment
Total beginner – advanced kayaker there are plenty of advantages in training in the pool
Master the black art ofrolling your kayakor practice your capsizes and feel your confidenceincrease.
It’s important to learn a good rolling technique right from the start as it will benefit your paddling forever.
We will help you learn your roll in a clear swimming pool allowing you to see and have lots of practise under theexpert guidanceof your coach.
It’s not all about rolling the pool sessions can offer wide variety of skills in a safe and funenvironment.